
New Jersey Right to Life Committee, Inc. (NJRTL) is the state’s largest and most active pro-life, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting and fostering the most basic value of our society – human life. As the premier pro-life organization in NJ, our activities are always lawful and peaceful.  We continue to lead the effort on all public policy matters concerning the sanctity of human life at the state and federal level. We promote, uphold, and support reverence and respect for all innocent human life from conception to natural death, without regard to condition, or circumstances of conception, quality, age, race, religion, creed, or color, whether born or pre-born.

We are the official state affiliate of  National Right to Life Committee.

NJRTL is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit corporation. Gifts to it are not tax-deductible. NJRTL is a membership organization, and you have to pay membership dues to to get your NJRTL card.

NJRTL contributions fund our legislative lobbying – important work that cannot be supported by tax-deductible funds. Your membership dues will support our well respected lobbying efforts in Trenton.

Pregnancy and Post Abortion Help:  If you or someone you know is in a crisis pregnancy and is contemplating abortion, or you know someone who has had an abortion and is suffering post abortion trauma, please check our resources page for a list of centers and groups near you who can help you.

If you know someone who has given birth (and the child is 1 month old or less) and they are unable to raise the child, please tell them to contact the NJ Safe Haven Hotline to find out how they can safely and legally surrender their child to state authorities for adoption placement:

Safe Haven Hotline Click here for more information about how the law works